An elegant, relaxing getaway in your own backyard.

Marigold Spaces are multi-use structures for creatives, work-from-home professionals, and anyone seeking a little solitude. Your Zen starts here.

A space for everyone

Marigold Spaces help you get the important stuff done.

A Space to Create

Paint, sculpt, record your podcast, play guitar or write the next great American novel. All in your own backyard with no distractions.

A Space to Work

All the benefits of a home office without the noise and interruptions. Shorten your work commute from miles to feet.

A Space to Relax

No loud footsteps. No screaming kids. No blaring music from your husband’s ‘90s techno collection. Just a cup of coffee, a good book and sweet, silent bliss.

A Space for Guests

Avoid the inevitable burnout of hosting by giving your guests a private space of their own. They will thank you. (Subject to zoning laws).

A Space to Weather the Storm

Power outage? No problem. These super insulated structures will keep you safe no matter how long the outage lasts. Utilize our off-grid solar kit or plug a portable generator into the included port and you’re fully powered.

A Space for Wellness and Fitness

Practice yoga, ride your exercise bike or do a complete workout in your home gym with absolute privacy and zero disturbances.

Marigold is different

There is a lot that sets our Spaces apart from the competition. Marketing mumbo jumbo, you say? Let us show you.

We Utilize Building Practices Generally Reserved for Premium Custom Homes.

  • Our owner, a mechanical engineer with a background in energy efficiency and high-end residential construction, has specified only the best of the best for these buildings.
  • We are obsessed with insulation and the incredible comfort that comes with it. That’s why all Marigold spaces are fully wrapped and sealed (top, bottom, and all four sides) with 4” of continuous exterior insulation in addition to the typical insulation that is stuffed in the framing. Read more about the benefits (and some myth busting) of exterior insulation here.
  • State of the art mechanical systems deliver filtered fresh air and offer efficient ways to heat and cool the spaces. Heated floors? Yes! Radiant ceiling panels? Yes! Mini-split heat pump? Yes! Read more about our mechanical systems here and here.
  • All building materials have been chosen for their high performance, low carbon footprint, and indoor air quality. We also design the structures to minimize off-cuts and construction waste.
  • Designed using passive house principles to maximize winter sun for warmth and minimize summer sun to keep cool.
  • Off-grid capable, using either our off-grid solar option or a small generator.

Take a Tour

“A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dare live.”

Bertrand Russell